Gum Recession & Soft Tissue Graft
When the gums pull up too high on the teeth much of the tooth’s root becomes exposed. This is often caused by gum recession. It is a common phrase that when people age, they become long in the tooth. This can cause a compromised appearance, tooth sensitivity, decay, bone loss, and possibly even tooth loss. There are several different options to treat gum recession via soft tissue grafting utilizing either patient’s own tissue or a synthetic graft. These procedures involve grafting of the oral soft tissue into the gumline to fill in areas that have become recessed. The soft tissue grafts conceal exposed tooth roots to allow for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance as well as treat sensitivity and prevent attachment loss, root decay and eventual tooth loss. After thorough examination and proper diagnosis, Dr. Dong will give you the treatment option that is custom to your need and comfort level.
Some common causes of root recession are:
Poor Home care- Not brushing effectively will not remove all of the disease-causing bacteria and brushing too aggressively can wear away your gums and even your teeth.
Gum disease. A build-up of bacteria that destroys soft tissue and bone.
Genetics. You might be predisposed to gum disease no matter how well you brush.
Using tobacco products. Smoking and chewing tobacco cause excessive plaque build-up that can be very difficult to clean off.
Crowded or crooked teeth. Teeth that do not align properly become traumatized over time and their surrounding gum tissue can wear away.
Habits such as grinding & clenching teeth can also lead to your gum line wearing away.
Hormonal changes. The hormone increase that occurs with pregnant and menopausal woman can make the gums more sensitive.