Reconstructive Services
Smiles matter more than we realize. Volumes of research confirm the influential role of smiles in our relationships and our self-esteem. If you're confident, you smile more. If you smile more, you feel more confident. But what if you don't want to flash those pearly whites because you're embarrassed? The effects of an unattractive smile may ripple through your life. Fortunately, a growing range of options enables anyone to enjoy a stunning new smile. Dr. Dong’s passion for enhancing smiles brings you the best in modern dentistry.
Frenectomies are safe, simple procedures that dramatically improve comfort and freedom of motion in your mouth. A frenectomy is sometimes needed for dentures to fit properly, or to maintain the results of some orthodontic treatments.
Procedures that are routinely used to remove and re-contour excess gum tissue to allow better esthetic and cleansability of teeth with gingival overgrowth/enlargement.
Gum Contouring & Crown Lengthening
Your gums are like a soft tissue framework around your teeth providing support and esthetic value. Sometimes a little gentle recontouring of the gum line brings a nice boost to your smile. Plus, properly shaped gums contribute to a healthy environment that is easy to maintain and helps support your overall dental health.
Gum recession & Soft tissue Graft
When the gums pull up too high on the teeth much of the tooth’s root becomes exposed. This can cause a compromised appearance, tooth sensitivity, decay, bone loss, and possibly even tooth loss.